BILLIONAIRES - complete contact information
Released on = November 9, 2006, 2:56 pm
Press Release Author = Billionaires List
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = Get complete \"contact information\" for 450 U.S. billionaires. New 2007 Edition published.
Press Release Body = Now you can get complete \"contact information\" for 450 U.S. Billionaires with the use of a unique computer diskette. The computer diskette is fully discribed on the website at:
The computer diskette, which is the 2007 Edition (3rd Annual Edition) has recorded on it complete \"contact information\" for 450 U.S. Billionaires which includes: Names of the billionaires, their corporate names, corporate addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers. All the information anyone would need to establish communications with the persons identified on the diskette. The diskette contains 103 pages of textual information (the information discribed above). And, users will have little difficulty using the information. Al you have to do is insert the diskette in your computer disc-drive, open the files, and view the information. It\'s that easy to use. The publishers have stated that they spent several years compiling this rare information. The information was last verified in October 2006. This information should remain current for asbout 5 years. For additional information about the diskette visit the website at:
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Contact Details = Ben Henry Campbell Email: Tel: 323-573-2501
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